"Want to go green ?"
Uncle E cares of the environment. Then uncle E has the products for you to Enjoy environmentally friendly bathroom and kitchen products that are CEC and CALGreen certified. Save the environment as you upgrade your home with the latest technology. With CEC and CALGreen toilets, bathroom faucets, shower faucets and kitchen faucets will provide you with compliant, water-saving products that are great for your home and wallet.
Not to forget about new environmentally safe water heaters. Here are couple of samples what you may have going on in you home. Have an old toilet, not flushing properly, wasting water with every flush ? Then take action and let’s get ride of that old toilet and install a new eco friendly toilet. Our eco friendly toilets are, low flow toilets.
Low - flow are eco - friendly toilets that provide the same flushing service, but they use 1.6 gallons per flush, un like most older toilets, which are still commonly in regular use and waste as much as 6 gallons water per flush.
Want to contribute on keeping the planet green ? Don’t want that old water heater ? Then let’s start by reducing both carbon emissions and utility bills at once.
( HPWHs ) Heat pump water heaters are the way of the future, making a huge impact on the environment and in homes.
Heat pump water heaters, which produce heat using the same technology that refrigerators employ to stay cold, release no direct emissions and get the job done as little as one- half to a third of the energy of a conventional electric resistance or gas water heater.
(HPWHs) It’s a hybrid with a compressor that warms by trapping heat from the environment they’re equipped with auxiliary immersion heating units.
These components are set to activate automatically during periods go high demand, offering reassurance that hot water won’t run out even when the house is full of guest.
In other words ( HPWHs )use less energy to provide the same level of service.
Uncle E’s plumbing is here for whenever you want to make the switch.